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University of Benue Collaborates with International Institutions for Research and Innovation

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In order to establish itself as a national referral center, Benue State University Makurdi will be collaborating with other universities abroad in the areas of research, innovation, partnerships, and internationalization.

During a training session hosted by the Centre for Advancement and Linkages and the Centre for Research Management at Benue State University, Vice Chancellor Prof. Tor Iorapuu announced the partnership. Iorapuu went on to say that the faculty and staff at the university will be able to apply for grants from the European Union to fund cutting-edge research that will benefit both the school and the country.

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The VC claims that several faculty members who had recently returned from Germany were informed emphatically that in order for Benue State University to receive financing from the European Union, it is required to form partnerships with institutions in Ghana and South Africa.

According to Professor Iorapuu, BSU is now prepared to work with South Africa’s Walter Sisulu University as a partner to meet the EU’s request.

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“When I became a VC in 2020, I questioned my purpose in being here, so I’m glad to hear about this partnership.

What am I doing and who am I serving? While touring each department, I couldn’t help but wonder what we might do to make the varsity proud of its academic reputation; naturally, the idea of research sprang to me immediately. Accordingly, BSU will become a referral center if this research and innovation relationship is used appropriately.

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