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The government of Katsina gives children a voice in shaping policy.

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Adolescents in Katsina State will participate in a three-day capacity building program on governance and the policymaking process, organized by the state administration and the Safe the Children Initiative (SCI).

In her remarks at the Katsina flag-off, Jamila Abdu Mani, Special Adviser to Governor Umaru Radda on the Department of Girl Child Education and Child Development, explained that the training was an integral aspect of the children parliament’s capacity development program, which aimed to teach them the fundamentals of policymaking.

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By working together, we can help our kids grow into strong, capable adults who will make a difference in the world, both locally and globally.

More than just an educational program, the children’s parliament capacity building effort gives our youth a chance to have their voices heard, gain knowledge of their rights, and be involved in decisions that have an impact on their future.

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Every child can thrive in an inclusive, equitable, and supportive environment, she continued, and this represents our joint dedication to that goal.

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Calling on all citizens to uphold the principles of inclusion, dignity, and self-determination by uniting in the pursuit of a world where gender and socioeconomic status do not limit a child’s ability to reach his or her greatest potential.

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