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Sultan Assigns Knowledge and Prayers to Leaders During Eid-El-Fitr

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In an effort to fortify their religion, the Muslim Ummah have been encouraged by Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar, the Sultan of Sokoto and President General of the National Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA).

The significance of ongoing prayers for leaders and the nation’s prosperity was also highlighted in Sultan Abubakar’s Eid address delivered in Sokoto on Wednesday.

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We owe it all to the Almighty Allah, who has blessed us with life and health, and who has made it possible for us to fast for 30 days and celebrate Eid-El-Fitr.

As Muslims throughout the world celebrate the end of Ramadan and the beginning of Eid-El-Fitr, today is a very important day in Islam.

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“Furthermore, let us continue the spirit of kindness and mutual aid that was there during Ramadan, and help those who are less fortunate,” he pleaded.

Sultan Muhammad VI lauded Governor Ahmed Aliyu and the authorities of Sokoto State for their efforts to promote unity and cooperation among Muslim intellectuals.

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