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Stakeholders in NESREA are working to get rid of lead paint in Nigeria

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Lead in paint is something that both SRADEV-Nigeria and the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA) have vowed to do away with.
According to the News Agency of Nigeria, those involved are also looking for safer paint choices that don’t contain lead.

This was expressed by the stakeholders at Thursday’s regional Lead awareness session in Abuja.
As part of their Lead Exposure Elimination Project, NESREA and SRADEV-Nigeria collaborated to organize the session.
The workshop’s central focus is on how to best build Nigeria’s national ability to phase out lead paint.

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Prof. Aliyu Jauro, director general of NESREA, has stated that lead is extremely harmful to human health, particularly in children.

According to him, lead exposure can cause developmental issues, permanent harm to the nervous system, and many other health problems.

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The major goal of the workshop, according to Jauro, was to educate small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across the nation on the risks of leaded paints, as well as safer alternatives and reformulation procedures.

Some of the many things that fall under our purview are chemical regulation, waste management, pollution prevention, and EIA, among many others.

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