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Near Katsina, Borno, NAF Attacks Terrorists’ Laid-Out Locations

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Airstrikes by the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) have decimated terrorist strongholds in the states of Borno and Katsina, killing dozens of criminals in the process.

The airstrikes in the two states over the weekend were carried out by the air component of Operations Hadarin Daji and Hadin Kai.

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On Friday, April 5, 2024, the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) attacked a terrorist stronghold in the Danmusa Local Government Area of Katsina State, northwest of Yartsamiya Village, according to a statement issued by Air Vice Marshal Edward Gabkwet, the NAF’s Director of Public Relations and Information.

According to Gabkwet, soldiers there saw a group of eleven armed terrorists making their way towards a mountainous region.

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He said that two more groups of terrorists had joined the original group, and that they were all moving in the same general direction, toward the mountaintop.

Afterwards, after authorization, NAF aircraft engaged the terrorists in many passes, neutralizing some and sending the other ones fleeing in chaos.

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