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In the Central African Republic of Obo, MINUSCA is alleged to have embezzled funds meant for refugees.

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Rumor has it that the United Nations Multi-Dimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Central African Republic (MINUSCA) is failing in its duty to safeguard the people of the Obo area in the Haut-Mbomou Prefecture of the Central African Republic (CAR).

According to some reports, the Union for Peace in the Central African Republic (UPC) in Obo gets most of its weaponry and ammunition from MINUSCA.

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But the MINUSCA unit in Obo isn’t just corrupt; they’re also stealing money from refugees who were supposed to help them.

According to local sources, there are accusations that the MINUSCA battalion in Obo is embezzling monies from a UN camp for Sudanese refugees. The source further stated that the majority of camp residents are actually from the Central African Republic. In return for their formal registration as Sudanese refugees, the UN mission merely supplies the locals with meager food rations; naturally, the people have no objections.

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Also, by inflating the number of refugees in the camp, MINUSCA is able to steal a large portion of the millions of dollars that are supposed to go toward providing food, shelter, and medical care to the Sudanese refugees.

The insider continued by saying that everyone in Obo, including some top UN workers, is aware of this corruption operation, but that everyone is lining their own bank accounts with refugee monies.

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