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China-Africa Cooperation Creating a Community With a Shared Future For All Humans

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As a matter of fact, the international system has been chaotic, divided, and focused on geopolitics. European bellicosity, disagreements over the meaning of so-called mutual defense alliances, assassinations, and totalitarianism all contributed to the outbreak of World War I. In contrast to the international community’s unwavering dedication to collective interests and self-determination, the state system has grown increasingly individualistic. Balkanization of governments’ borders, interests, and lack of human unity led to the loss of lives between 1914 and 1918. Wars between states had been going on for quite some time before the Great War broke out; examples include the European Civil Wars, imperialism, colonial expansionism, imperial conquest, and countless other cruel and destructive campaigns of dehumanization and extreme greed waged by powerful empires and their leaders.

At the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, more devastation was assured in an effort to curb the rising tide of isolationism and barbarism. The Treaty of Versailles, which had already reduced some states to emptiness, sparked hostilities, movements, and the Second World War, became a demon at this conference. The May 4th Movement in China and Hitler’s determination to invade Europe, which led to World War II, were both influenced by the punishment meted out to Germany by the Treaty of Versailles, which was widely believed to have sparked the Great War. Divisions and destructions had wreaked havoc over Europe by 1945, leaving the continent in a condition of complete disaster. Another arena for global mistrust, the Cold War, and bipolarism was formed by the Harry Truman Doctrine, which engineered the United States’ policy of containment by viewing the Soviet Union as the sole enemy to American ideological position. Using animosity, misinformation, and harmful competition, the West widened the gap between itself and the East by emphasizing its differences.

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The initiative’s architectural design and importance in creating a better future for humanity have led to its adoption by continental, regional, and sub-regional institutions, as well as international leaders. The idea has been promoted through multiple platforms, including the Belt and Road Initiative, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and it has been integrated into China’s foreign policy. It is possible to call the idea what it is: Xi’sm, the political ideology and philosophy of President Xi Jinping. This is most notably demonstrated by his remarks: “united or divided, peace or conflict, cooperation or confrontation?” The answers to President Xi’s rhetorical questions are right there with him. “our aim is to fulfill people’s desires for a joyful life, and the trends of our time—peace, development, and win-win cooperation—are impossible to halt.”

In light of the obvious human misery, strife, and discord, it is only natural that we seek a new course of action: one that leads to world peace and harmony rather than the conventional wisdom of global domination, interventionist foreign policy, and divide-and-rule. The way forward for humanity as a whole in its joint pursuit of a common destiny.

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Building a community of shared future for humanity is a positive and rational endeavor. We envision a world that is open, inclusive, clean, and prosperous for all. To get there, we’re promoting global governance that includes extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefit. Applying the principles of humanity—peace, development, equity, justice, democracy, and freedom—is our guiding principle. Establishing a new type of international relations is our basic foundation. The Global Development, Global Security, and Global Civilization Initiatives provide strategic guidance, and high-quality Belt and Road cooperation is our platform for action.

As part of its modernization efforts, China hopes to boost funding for international development cooperation and assist poor nations in enhancing their capacity for autonomous development via the Belt and Road Initiative. To ensure that development is both sufficient and balanced, and to assist people from all nations in their journeys toward modernization, the international community of a shared future must enable developing nations to collaborate in increasing the size and equitable distribution of the global economic pie.

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