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Call your attack dogs to order, Ganduje’s assistant tells Soludo

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The controversy surrounding the call for Anambra State residents to abandon the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) in favor of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) raged on yesterday, as Chief Oliver Okpala, APC national chairman’s senior special assistant on Public Enlightenment, asked Anambra State Governor Prof. Chukwuma Soludo to rein in his ‘political attack dogs’.

Ganduje, speaking at a recent colloquium organized by the APC’s South East chapter, urged Anambra people and the entire region to join the ruling party to end years of exclusion from the centre, a remark that enraged some APGA supporters, who began attacking the APC national chairman.
In response to the attacks on his boss, Okpala labeled those criticizing Ganduje over the comment as rude and misguided political misfits who should be put to order.

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Okpala advised those who were upset by Ganduje’s call to instead embrace the APC leader’s gesture to help Anambra and the South East integrate into the mainstream of national politics.

He stated, “They must appreciate Dr. Ganduje’s initiative and not view his intervention negatively. His goal is for Anambra state’s economic prosperity and political inclusion to move into central national politics, rather than something nefarious, as portrayed by the overzealous APGA attack dogs.”

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He underlined that every right-thinking Igbo man should be worried about the region’s long-standing political backwardness and seek answers.

Okpala went on to say that the prominent politician who gave such counsel should not be condemned or ridiculed, but rather praised and congratulated for offering ways for the region to overcome its long-standing political backwardness and economic constraints.

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